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Here is how we break down the concept of "TRAIN THE NINJA WAY" Our approach is holistic! From the moment you decide you want to make that change, to finishing strong, we got you. At Ninja, we kick off with a Consultation Session - a discussion where we cover your reasons to join a program, understand your story, your goals, your AHA moment and more! This is a discovery session to find out all about YOU. We briefly talk about all the areas we focus on and outline the foundations of our program - from nutrition to training, sleep, recovery, tracking and mapping results. In the preparation stage we give you a few forms that allow us to learn more about your habits, your likes, dislikes, your strengths, weakness and most important your expectations & more... On to the main part, ACTION - It's go time!! By this stage we have set our goals, determined a plan and built a system to achieve it. It's all about executing it and putting in all the hard work - tracking our gains and celebrating our wins. The icing on the cake is our Accountability check-ins from time to time to make sure we stick to our plan.


We mean it when we say we got you!

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